Based in Cornwall, UK, Michael Hunt aka ‘Mike3D‘ provides complete 3D printing solutions for a variety of industries. In addition to his YouTube appearances, Mike runs his 3D printing his Cornwall and their 3D manufacturing facility offers multiple options for customizing bespoke and bespoke projects. Craftbot was delighted to have his 3D printer in-house selected for one of Mike’s exciting brand collaborations. Mike said using his Craftbot, which can print advanced thermoplastics and materials, was a natural choice.
As an industrial user, Craftbot IDEX will be the most productive for your team to achieve continuous printing. While Craftbot offers the services of other 3D machines, it is mainly used for FDM projects as the system is specialized for FDM projects.

“I required a system that could meet the speed and consistent need to achieve production goals and versatility with different filament materials. Using Craftbot’s award-winning and user-friendly 3D printers, I found everything that I was looking for and more with the benefit of accurate repeatability from producing multiple batches.” – said Mike.
What sets Mike’s operation apart from other rapid manufacturing facilities is his commitment to protecting people and the environment, which makes him a category leader. Their project materials, on average, consist of about 85% to 90% recycled materials such as plastic bottles and fishing wire.
This is important as the future tends to focus on 3D printing, sustainability and recycling. Why shouldn’t these industries work together to create more efficient and unique solutions?
The need for sustainable solutions becomes all the more important as we consider his second case study on the world’s plastic waste. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), an estimated 300 million tonnes of plastic are produced each year, of which at least eight million tonnes end up in the ocean. Plastic pollution threatens food safety and quality, human health and contributes to climate change. That’s why J-Supplied was so excited when global sports company Adidas approached them with a unique project.
Adidas is known as Europe’s largest sportswear manufacturer and is continuously working to become a more sustainable company. adidas’ sustainability strategy identifies his six strategic priorities to address issues and challenges in the areas of sports manufacturing, distribution and competition.
Adidas commissioned Mike to 3D print Adidas shoes made entirely from recycled plastic. After the team received mockups of the shoes Adidas wanted, J-Supplied created some samples from recycled white PETG. Thrilled to celebrate the shoes being 3D printed, they used Craftbot Flow printers to manufacture 50 pairs and worked with partners to create in-store installations.
The sneakers were created for a one-of-a-kind mural for their new flagship gender neutral eco-friendly store in London, England, which is loaded with exclusive Adidas Originals merchandise and symbolises their sustainability vision. The centrepiece of the store is a gigantic trefoil painting that comprises living plants and honours one of Adidas’ most renowned shoe designs, the Stan Smith, while demonstrating the union of sustainability and cutting-edge 3D printing technology.
J-Supplied wanted a system that could satisfy the speed and consistency required to reach their production goals, as well as versatility with multiple filament materials, in order to correctly make the shoes for Adidas. They found what they were seeking for and more with Craftbot’s award-winning and user-friendly 3D printers, with the added bonus of accurate repeatability from generating several batches. In addition, by printing their own models and final components in-house, they save money and time as compared to the traditional practise of outsourcing injection mouldings.
Following the debut of the painting and several consumer requests, Mike is now considering 3D printing on-demand shoes in small batches to offer as exclusives. This enables Adidas to maintain their sustainability aim of eliminating plastic waste while providing new alternatives.
Mike 3D has expanded the concept of using recycled fishing nets to 3D create home furnishings and buttons for use on clothing and suits for global luxury fashion icons such as Prada.